Green Cities Policy Report
EBRD Green Cities strives to build a better and more sustainable future for cities and their residents. The programme achieves this by identifying, prioritising and connecting cities’ environmental challenges with sustainable actions. These actions include sustainable infrastructure investments but also policy initiatives.
To support cities in choosing and designing policy interventions most suitable to address the identified environmental challenges, the EBRD developed a report which presents a comprehensive menu of possible urban green policies and relevant examples. Specifically, the report provides an overview of the most relevant urban green policy instruments in:
- Urban Transport
- Solid waste
- Water and Wastewater
- Energy and buildings
- Land planning, green space and biodiversity
- Governance
- Finance
All policies are further illustrated by a list of relevant case studies. Through the report, the EBRD hopes to stimulate better discussions on sustainable urban development and to enable policy-makers to learn from international best practices.