The public consultation for the Warsaw Green City Action Plan (GCAP) has officially been launched. The document can be accessed here (in Polish) and residents and interested stakeholders will be able to provide comments until 31 October 2022.
Local stakeholders have also the opportunity to join a discussion with the City on Monday, 17 October, 17.30 (Warsaw-time) in the Education Pavilion Kamień, Wybrzeże Puckie 1. The meeting is open to all interested parties and no registration or registration is required.
The document was developed using the combined EBRD Green City Action Plan methodology and the methodology of the network of the largest cities in the world involved in the fight against climate change – the C40 organization (CAP – Climate Action Plan).
In cooperation with relevant offices and units, the City took full ownership of the GCAP development and worked with a consultancy team of Arup to analyse various areas of the city's sectors and environmental challenges. By focussing on energy and heating, urban transport, waste management, adaptation to climate change, thermo-modernization, street lighting and others, a set of tailor-made actions (policy and investment actions) were developed for Warsaw.
On a virtual engagement platform, interested stakeholders can also access more information about the GCAP development process, watch videos and read intermediate reports (in Polish).
More information about the public consultation of the final draft GCAP can be found on the City’s website (Polish).
If you have any questions about the Warsaw GCAP, please contact [email protected].