Timisoara Green City Action Plan: online survey for public consultation

Timisoara City Hall, in partnership with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the team of consultants composed of RWA Group and Arcadis, cordially invites you to participate in the process of prioritizing the action concepts which are to be developed in the context of the Green City Action Plan (GCAP).
The action concepts are structured according to the GCAP sectors (Transport, Energy, Buildings, Industry, Water and Wastewater, Waste, and Land Use). We would like to invite the open public to contribute by selecting the most important action concepts that the City could implement over the next five years and by making suggestions and recommendations to be included in the detailed version of the actions.
Your contribution can be made by accessing this link. The questionnaire is available until the 26 June 2023.
Thank you in advance for your participation.