Public presentation of Kyiv’s draft GCAP and possibility to submit written comments

On 19 November, Kyiv’s draft Green City Action Plan (GCAP) was presented to the public. The online event was attended by more than 120 participants from the general public and, departments of the Kyiv City State Administration, business organisations, utility companies, international organisations, academia and media.
The event was moderated by Natalia Melnyk, Director of the Department of Economy and Investment of the Kyiv City State Administration, who is the head of the working group of the Coordination Council for the development of the GCAP for Kyiv. At the opening, she stated that the aim of the meeting was to “draw attention to the GCAP for written comments before finalising and submitting it for approval to the Kyiv City Council."
View the draft Green City Action Plan for Kyiv can be found here and find out more about the event on the City’s website (in Ukrainian).
Local stakeholders are invited to send any remaining comments or remarks regarding the draft GCAP by 6 December to the Department of Economy and Investment of the Kyiv City State Administration: [email protected].
The Kyiv GCAP is kindly financed by the Government of Sweden.