Meet the Green Vision of Warsaw – through the city's new information platform

As member of the EBRD Green Cities network since June 2020, the city of Warsaw is about to develop a Green City Action Plan (GCAP) and a road map on how to achieve climate neutrality by 2050 at the latest.
Recently, the city launched an information platform that explains Warsaw’s green vision. The platform was developed as a virtual, three-dimensional hall, using the lecture hall in the Zodiac pavilion in Warsaw as a model. Through the platform, residents will be able to learn more about the Green City Action Plan, get acquainted with the next stages of its implementation, as well as express their opinion and present their own proposals for action.
Justyna Glusman, Warsaw’s Deputy Mayor and Sustainable Development Head Coordinator states: “We want to create a Green Vision of Warsaw together with all citizens. This is our joint project and it is therefore important for us to hear their views.”
The platform (in Polish) can be accessed through the following link:
For more information please have a look at the city’s website or facebook page or contact [email protected].