In early September, 6th of October City launched the development of its Green City Action Plan (GCAP). 6th of October City, situated on the west bank of the River Nile, is the first city in Egypt to kick-off its GCAP development. The launch event was attended by over 120 participants representing the public and private sector (governmental institutions, municipalities, transport companies, real estate developers, etc.)
Read more about the event on the City’s Facebook page (Arabic).
The GCAP development is based on a unique collaboration between the Egyptian government’s New Urban Communities Authority (NUCA), the 6th October City Authority and the 6th October Board of Trustees and Investors Association. During the GCAP development process, external stakeholders will be consulted at each key step.
An international and local consultant’s team led by Atkins, together with the City and EBRD, will now work on the baseline assessment to identify the city’s most urgent environmental challenges. Once these are identified and prioritised, a green vision and strategic objectives will be defined. The vision and objectives will be the basis for concrete actions, which will be developed as a final step of the GCAP process.
While 6th of October City is the first city in Egypt to embark on the GCAP journey, EBRD is looking forward to also launching the GCAPs in Alexandria and Cairo soon.