EBRD Green Cities joins the Leadership for Urban Climate Investment (LUCI)

We are pleased to announce that EBRD Green Cities has been accepted to join the Leadership for Urban Climate Investment (LUCI).
LUCI, hosted by the Cities Climate Finance Leadership Alliance, is an ambitious framework that drives urban climate action by 2025. LUCI links action-oriented initiatives that commit to remove barriers in preparing and financing climate-smart urban projects. LUCI elevates and tracks commitments made by initiatives like ours, helping implement bold and effective targets. Through joint efforts, LUCI strengthens each initiative’s own impact by promoting cooperation, communication, analysis, and exchange.
LUCI brings together over 15 ambitious initiatives working at different stages of the entire project cycle – from project development, to financing, to implementation.
Together, initiatives commit to achieve measurable and trackable results by 2025. To be precise, LUCI initiatives will:
- strengthen 2000 cities in project preparation;
- develop 1000 financially viable projects and link them to finance;
- enable 100 urban projects to use new financing mechanisms;
- strengthen national framework conditions including the capacity of National Development Banks.
Through joining LUCI, EBRD Green Cities is committed to support the LUCI target to enable the financing of 1000 climate smart and resilient urban projects by 2025. Since the inception of EBRD Green Cities, 46 projects have already been committed and signed for a total amount of EUR 827 million. Alongside other LUCI initiatives, we work together to close the investment gap for urban subnational climate projects and infrastructure.