Dushanbe Green City Action Plan: Survey on environmental baseline and city vision - 17.09.2021

The Dushanbe City Administration is developing a Green City Action Plan (GCAP), which aims to identify and prioritise interventions to support environmental and sustainable development.
After stakeholders came together for the first time in May to discuss key environmental challenges that Dushanbe is facing, the GCAP is at the finalisation of the baseline stage. This has been reached through gathering qualitative and quantitative data on environmental indicators across sectors.
The City is calling upon Dushanbe’s stakeholders to confirm this baseline analysis as well as to gather opinions on the city’s potential strategic objectives towards creating a shared green city vision.
If you are a resident of Dushanbe, your participation in this online survey plays a critical role for the further development of the GCAP and its implementation. We therefore invite interested stakeholders to complete the following survey (in Russian): https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=tFrtFlkrQE6AbYowvcnPJtxryoqJbZ5Hqtkk0cGc56NUN0xaWUs1WlZBUEM4V0cwOERWUFE3RFU1MC4u
For more information in Russian please also consult the Dushanbe Smart City page: http://dsc.tj/ru/2021/09/03/plan-deystviya-zeleniy-gorod/
The next steps include defining the city’s long-term vision and the medium-term strategic objectives developed, as well as identifying the related list of investments and policies to be included in the action plan.