Balti adopts its Green City Action Plan

Today, the Municipality of Balti adopted its final Green City Action Plan (GCAP). The second largest city of Moldova joined the EBRD Green Cities network in 2019 to tackle its most pressing environmental challenges. The adoption of the GCAP is a crucial step towards Balti’s vision to become a green treasure city of Moldova.
During the GCAP development, the City together with consultants and EBRD, assessed that the main priority environmental challenges of Balti are related to its air and drinking water quality, water bodies, green spaces, and climate change resilience. In order to address these issues, the GCAP identified 30 short-term actions to be realized in the first 5 years of the implementation of the Action Plan. Additional long-term actions will further contribute to the sustainable, green development of the city.
With today’s adoption of the GCAP, the Municipality of Balti confirms its commitment to transform the city into a greener and more liveable place. The GCAP will help Balti to steer this transformation process by linking investments in various sectors. The Mayor of the Balti municipality is convinced: “Through our perseverance, with investments and a great amount of work, Balti municipality will indeed become the green treasure of Moldova.”
The Balti GCAP, kindly funded by the Government of Sweden, can be downloaded here: