Wałbrzych Green City Action Plan: Prioritisation of Environmental Challenges Workshop

Date: 7 February 2022
We are pleased to announce that the second workshop for the Green City Action Plan (GCAP) will take place on Monday 7 February. The workshop will convene a range of municipal stakeholders for a focused discussion on the priority environmental challenges facing the city, as well as potential solutions.
The Wałbrzych GCAP aims to develop a strategic approach to environmental investment planning in the city, as part of a long-term sustainable development strategy which targets challenges up to the year 2030.
This workshop marks an important juncture in the programme and will provide the basis for discussing the performance of the city across key sectors, based on detailed research and evidence from a technical assessment of the city. The workshop will aim to reach a consensus on the priority challenges that should be addressed as part of the ongoing GCAP in Wałbrzych.
The workshops will be primarily a discussion session for invited participants. The consultant team will provide a summary of emerging findings from the prepared technical assessment of the current state, highlighting the key identified challenges. This will be followed by the main part of the workshop, in the form of a dialogue with participants as an open platform to share your views via the following link.
We look forward to working together for a better, cleaner and greener Wałbrzych.