Split Green City Action Plan: Meeting with City’s Technical Experts Group

Date: 3 March 2022
Time: 14.00 – 15.00 CET (virtual)
The City of Split joined EBRD’s Green Cities Programme in October 2020. As part of this Programme, Split is working to prepare a tailor-made Green City Action Plan (GCAP) to identify, prioritise and connect our environmental challenges with sustainable infrastructure investments and policy measures.
The GCAP preparation is now in the phase of defining and prioritizing environmental challenges. The prioritisation activities will include a range of stakeholder events. The first one is an introductory Q&A session with members of the City’s Technical Expert Group (TEG). The objective of the meeting is to present the GCAP preparation process, timeline, roles, responsibilities and to discuss next steps.
The introductory meeting and Q&A session will be an online event upon invitation.
Further updates about the forthcoming stakeholder engagement activities for the environmental prioritisation will be announced here.
The GCAP is kindly funded by the TaiwanBusiness-EBRD Technical Cooperation Fund.