Samarkand Green City Action Plan: First Stakeholder Engagement Workshop

Date: 13 June 2023
Samarkand Regional Government and EBRD are organising a Stakeholder Engagement Workshop on 13 June 2023. The Workshop will seek stakeholder views on priority environmental challenges in Samarkand, identify locations suffering environmental problems, and collect information on existing and planned projects that address these challenges. This information will inform the subsequent development of the Samarkand Green City Action Plan (GCAP).
All interested parties, including government staff, utility companies, international organisations, NGOs, academia, mahallas, citizen groups and the private sector, are invited to attend and share their views.
Please note that places are limited and that an invitation is required for this event.
If you would like to attend the Workshop, please contact Nurmukhammad Khashimov at Samarkand Regional Government via phone or Telegram at +998 90-374-30-40 or via e-mail at [email protected]
Residents of Samarkand and interested parties can also provide their views on priority environmental challenges and key built environment sectors for the GCAP through an online survey, accessible in Uzbek and Russian.
The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is supporting Samarkand Regional Government in developing a Green City Action Plan (GCAP), which will include detailed actions to inform the city’s future infrastructure investments and policy interventions to address environmental challenges. Development of the GCAP is generously funded by the EBRD’s Sustainable Infrastructure Fund (SIF).
Samarkand is the first city in Uzbekistan to commit to preparing a GCAP and join EBRD’s flagship Green Cities Programme, which provides more than €5 billion support to over fifty cities and municipalities across EBRD’s Countries of Operation. A consultant team led by AECOM Limited, with IKS Consulting as the local technical partner, is supporting EBRD and Samarkand with the preparation of this GCAP.