Lviv Green Actions Planning

Date: 21 - 29 May 2019
Objective: Six sectoral workshops will be organised addressing the following topics:
Air and transport (21/05)
Green spaces, land use and biodiversity (22/05)
Energy and buildings (22/05)
Water (28/05)
Solid waste (28/05)
Industry (29/05)
The goal of the workshops is to present the current findings of the Green City Action Plan (GCAP) with regards each sector. This will be followed with a discussion of the city's 2035 vision, and the strategic objectives coresponding to it.
A broad group of stakeholders are expected to participate in the workshops including city representatives, NGOs, industry, academia representatives and other relevant experts.
The results of the workshops will be used to further develop the GCAP.
RSVP: This is an invite only event. For more information, please contact: [email protected].