Green Cities in Egypt - Strong partnerships towards implementation

A joint event co-hosted by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), Ministry of Planning, Economic Development and International Cooperation, Egypt at the World Urban Forum, 4-8 November 2024, Cairo, Egypt
Date: Tuesday 5 November 2024
Time: 3pm-4:40pm Egypt / 1 pm-2:30 pm UTC
Location: Networking - Multipurpose room 05
Livestream: Details will be published on the World Urban Forum website closer to the event
EBRD Green Cities launched its flagship programme in close collaboration with the Ministry of International Cooperation in Egypt in 2021, with three Egyptian Cities, Alexandria, Cairo and 6th October joining the network of 60 cities. The Green City Action Plan development has allowed the three cities to delve deeper into the environmental challenges they are facing in the context of climate change, examining pathways to climate adaptation and mitigation, and innovative investments supported by policy measures.
This panel will showcase the role of the EBRD Green Cities Programme in Egypt as a conduit for design and implementation of climate adaptation activities by examining the climate challenges faced by Egyptian cities, such as urban heat islands, water stress and sea-level rises. Climate finance through the Green City Action Plans (GCAPs) presents municipalities with opportunities to invest in resilient infrastructure and the panel will emphasise the importance of stakeholder buy-in and engagement throughout the Action Plan development – between levels of governance, and across the public and private sphere.
The Ministry of International Cooperation is a lead partner for the Green Cities programme in Egypt and will highlight the importance of the programme in identifying green bankable investments in cities. Ministry of Housing and Utilities / New Urban Communities Authority (NUCA) has been integral in overseeing the development of the 6th October Green City Action Plan, 6th October being a ‘NUCA’ City. The perspective of how each city drives their priorities through data collection and stakeholder engagement will demonstrate the importance of driving forward local climate action. EBRD will give a comparative view of the three Green City Action Plans, with a wider overview of the 60 cities in the network.
About the Ministry of Planning, Economic Development and International Cooperation of Egypt
Ministry of International Cooperation - Our Story (