EBRD Green Cities Webinar #6: Creating Green Resilience in Cities

Date: 24 November 2020
Time: 09.00 – 10.30 AM GMT
Join EBRD Green Cities for our sixth webinar: Creating Green Resilience in Cities, with a focus on Central Asia, Eastern Europe and the Caucasus.
Part of our COVID-19 Response webinar series, the event will bring together EBRD Green Cities representatives, EBRD senior management, Donors and Partners to discuss how to finance and deliver climate resilient infrastructure including nature-based solutions, with case studies from the water sector.
Key note
Alain Pilloux, Vice President, Banking, European Bank of Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)
Moderator: Nigel Jollands, Associate Director / Co-lead Green Cities, Energy Efficiency and Climate Change (E2C2), EBRD
- Yerlan Kozhagapanov, First Deputy Mayor of Almaty, Kazakhstan
- Ala Mirza, Advisor to the Mayor of Chisinau, Moldova
- Professor Harriet Bulkeley, Department of Geography, Durham University
- Ekaterina Miroshnik, Director, Infra Eurasia, Sustainable Infrastructure Group (SIG), EBRD
- Natalya Livinskaya, Head of the Green Economy Department, Almaty, Kazakhstan
- Sarah Duff, Associate, Climate Resilience Investment, E2C2, EBRD
- David Tyler, Associate Director, Water Sector Specialist, SIG, EBRD
Closing remarks
Lin O’Grady, Associate Director / Co-lead Green Cities, SIG, EBRD
Join us for this engaging conversation! Register here.
Please note that you must register for the webinar in advance.