EBRD Green Cities at the Eleventh Session of the World Urban Forum

Date: 26-30 June 2022
Livestream: Watch our Electric Mobility event online (28 June, 09:00 CEST)
Electric Mobility: Sharing of Lessons Learnt and Best Practices from Implementation
Tuesday 28 June at 09:00-10:30 CEST
Hybrid event, online and at WUF11
A panel of experts will take a look back at the past decade of electric mobility through an urban lens and examine what has and has not gone well. What can be done to accelerate and enable access to sustainable urban mobility for all? Participants will have the opportunity to network and share their experiences of designing and investing in sustainable cities. This event is organised in collaboration with UNIDO and Urban Foresight. Read more here
Priorities under pressure: How cities can be inclusive, resilient and green in response to a refugee crisis
Tuesday 28 June 16:30-18:00 CEST
In person event, WUF11, Katowice, Poland
How can cities be inclusive, resilient and green in response to a refugee crisis? We will learn from examples presented by the cities of Gaziantep and Walbrzych. This networking event is organised by EBRD Gender & Economic Inclusion in collaboration with OECD. Read more here
Climate Governance and Disclosure in Cities: Effectively Assessing Climate Risks and Opportunities
Thursday 30 June at 14:00-15:30 CEST
In person event, WUF11, Katowice, Poland
The event will highlight the importance of understanding cities’ exposures to climate change risks and incorporating climate risks into decision-making at the city-level, using the City of Warsaw as an example. The panel of speakers will share their experience of impactful climate action implementation at a local scale. Organised by ICLEI in partnership with EBRD Green Cities and BDO. Read more here
About World Urban Forum 11
The World Urban Forum is a prestigious biannual international conference organized by UN-Habitat. WUF11 will focus around the theme of Transforming our Cities for a Better Urban Future. Held in the Polish city of Katowice from 26th to 30th of June – this is the first time that the WUF will take place in Eastern Europe as its previous editions were organized in United Arab Emirates, Malaysia, Colombia, Italy, Brazil, China, Canada, Spain and Kenya. Find out more here