Alba Iulia GCAP Stakeholder Consultation working group - 21.05.2024

Date: Tuesday 21 May, 13:00 - 15:30 (local time)
In the context of the development of the Green City Action Plan (GCAP) for the City of Alba Iulia, the Municipality of Alba Iulia would like to invite GCAP Working Group members to the GCAP stakeholder consultation on prioritisation of city’s environmental challenges. The purpose of the event is to bring together representatives from municipal technical departments, GCAP Working Group members and key stakeholders in order to present and discuss the most pressing environmental and climate challenges of the city, and comprehensively assess the priorities and green vision for the City’s sustainable green development, drawing on the views of a wide range of stakeholders.
RWA Group – Arcadis consortium are the consultants working together with the Municipality to develop the GCAP and will co-host this event.
For registration, please contact: [email protected]